Prenuptial agreements usually are set up to protect the financial assets of one or both persons after they get married. A more recent phenomenon is the clause that restricts certain uses of social media. A lawyer in Brainerd, MN, who practices in the realm of family law, can draft a prenuptial agreement that includes this clause to prohibit certain types of postings.
This part of the agreement typically forbids either person from making negative comments about the other one in social media if they split up. It also focuses on privacy aspects, such as prohibiting the posting of specific personal information and certain kinds of photos. Nude pictures of the individual are obvious examples but there are other concerns as well. Photos of someone smoking marijuana, for instance, may become problematic if posted online.
These actions could cause embarrassment or harm the person’s reputation. With social media use being so pervasive, these sorts of postings could quickly reach hundreds, thousands or even larger numbers of people. Before the rise of these websites, it was difficult for negative commentary or compromising photos to reach such a large audience. In addition, the websites make it easier to contact certain people with information or images. In days gone by, making contact was not so simple. A prenuptial agreement with a social media clause, as drafted by a lawyer in Brainerd, MN is intended to prevent these incidents from occurring.
The clause sets forth penalties if either spouse violates the agreement, which usually involve the person at fault having to pay the other a substantial amount of money. The penalty might be a percentage of that individual’s monthly or annual income or the assets this person continues to own after the divorce. Each violation is assessed an additional penalty that may be even higher than the previous one. This stops either person from getting reckless about social media use after committing one violation and figuring he or she might as well keep going.
Visit Brainerd Minnesota Law Firm, Borden, Steinbauer, Krueger & Knudson for contact information for this particular organization. Attorneys there can help an engaged couple set up and file a prenuptial agreement.