Can You Benefit From Hiring a Disability Attorney in Lacey, WA?

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Lawyers

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Disability benefits are available to those who have become ill or injured and are no longer able to work. These benefits are available to those who meet the qualifications set forth by the Social Security Administration. When one is disabled, they will need to fill out their paperwork and submit their medical information. Since the process of getting approved can sometimes be lengthy and confusing, it can be helpful for people to hire a Disability Attorney in Lacey WA. An attorney can help a person to make sure they are providing the correct information, so there are no unnecessary delays in the process.

To start the process, one must fill out their application online or in person at the Social Security Administration office in their county. The disabled person will need to attach medical proof of their prognosis and diagnosis so it can be proven they are totally and permanently disabled. Medical forms will need to be filled out by two medical doctors before the application will be reviewed. Failure to send in the proper documentation can lead to a denial.

Sometimes, a person supplies all of the correct forms and information, and they are still denied. When a denial of benefits is sent, a person has the right to continue to pursue their benefits via the appeals process. Appeals for disability are typically held in front of an administrative law judge who will make the final determination on whether or not the applicant is legally disabled and eligible for benefits.

Although the process for filing for disability can be lengthy, one will receive retroactive payments from the date they first filed. This normally results in one lump sum payment and then the regular monthly payments the person is approved for.

If you are in need of a Disability Attorney in Lacey WA, Contact Putnam Lieb Potvin Attorneys at Law. They will work to help you through your claim so you can get a fair outcome. You will not have to pay any attorney’s fees unless you are approved for your disability benefits. Call them right away to schedule your appointment so you can get started with your approval.

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