Do You Really Need a Social Security Lawyer in California?

by | Mar 8, 2016 | Lawyers

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You may think that you do not really need a social security lawyer in California, but you may want to rethink your position on this matter. The Social Security Administration makes it seem relatively easy to apply for disability because they would like to NOT have to deal with a lawyer that understands the law. Everything from filing forms to doctor’s visits are in place to make it a very discouraging practice.


There is a large disproportionate number of SSD applications that are denied the first go round and then overturned under appeal with the assistance of a lawyer. The question begs to be asked if the process is simple enough to navigate on your own then why so many applications are initially denied than overturned with the help of a lawyer. The answer is actually quite simple-once you have someone on your side that is familiar with the law the Social Security Administration will back pedal on their earlier decision because they are in violation of the law.

You can make the choice from the onset to consult with a Social Security lawyer BEFORE you have to go through the process of being denied. Of course even if you have been denied a lawyer that is an expert in the field can help you to get that decision overturned. The point is, yes you really do need a social security lawyer to ensure you get what you deserve.

Get the Help You Need

You do not have to pay one dime up front to hire an expert in social security law. The payment will come out of any back pay that you receive. Typically it is 25% of your back pay that pays the fees of the lawyer. If you do not win you do not pay. Basically you are getting free help with your social security case for as long as it takes to win it. Of course the fact that the attorney does not get paid unless you win is a:

   * Great motivator
   * Saves you money

Not being paid until your case is approved means that your lawyer is going to work very hard for your case to get approved. A social security lawyer really becomes a partner in getting what you need. You do not have to pay any out of pocket expense so you save money in the process! Yes you do need a social security lawyer and yes you can get one without any out of pocket expense!

The Law Offices of Norman J. Homen can provide you with a Social Security lawyer in California that can give you a great chance of success in winning your case! Get the help you need today with your social security case! Contact Normal J. Homen now!

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