Identifying Laws And Requirements With A Divorce Lawyer In Mequon, WI

by | Dec 23, 2015 | Divorce Lawyer

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Wisconsin couples must fulfill all requirements as outlined under state laws before filing a divorce petition. This includes abiding by state laws that apply to residency in order for the state to take jurisdiction over the case. A Divorce lawyer Mequon WI guides these couples through this process and try to avoid common difficulties when possible.

What are the Residency Requirements in Wisconsin?

To fulfill the residency requirements, the petitioner must live in the state for no less than six months. They must live in the county in which they file the petition for no less than one month. In addition to these requirements, the court requires a one hundred twenty-day waiting period following the delivery to the defendant.

What Grounds are Used in Wisconsin Divorces?

The state recognizes one option for divorce grounds. This option is irretrievable breakdown. This indicates that neither party is responsible for the breakdown of the marriage by fault. The ground doesn’t apply any fault that could be used to alter the judge’s perception of either party. The grounds don’t determine concepts such as property division or child custody.

When is Mediation Required?

Mediation is required when the parties cannot agree on certain terms of the divorce. This meeting involves both parties and their legal teams. All terms of the divorce are discussed during mediation. This allows both parties to air their differences in a neutral environment. It prevents the parties from behaving in a hostile manner toward each other.

What Happens When Mediation Fails?

If mediation fails, the court schedules a divorce trial. During the trial, the judge evaluates the breakdown of the marriage and the actions of each party. The court makes decisions for the couple in terms of property division and child custody.

Wisconsin couples are granted a divorce by following the laws outlined by the state. The court requires the couples to fulfill the requirements for filing for the divorce. Once they meet these demands, the divorce case begins. While the couple is encouraged to make decisions, those who cannot find a solution must participate in a trial to dissolve the divorce. Petitioners who need a Divorce lawyer Mequon WI should contact Fraker Law Firm S.C.

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