Reviewing a Dog Attack Case with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Oswego

by | Apr 12, 2017 | Lawyers

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In New York, pet owners must follow strict laws related to dogs. They must also follow additional precautions if the dog is among known breeds that can become dangerous. They must mitigate any risks associated with their pet at any time a visitor is present on or around their property. The following is a review of a dog attack case managed by a personal injury lawyer in Oswego.

Reporting the Victim’s Injuries

The victim must visit an emergency room, urgent care, or their preferred physician to have their injuries assessed. Under state law, any reports of an attack by a domesticated pet must be reported immediately to animal control. The doctor must also send copies of the patient’s records highlighting their injuries to this officer.

The Role of Animal Control

The animal control officer issues a notification to the pet owner about the attack. The owner must provide records for the pet’s immunizations to the officer. If the victim’s injuries are severe or if the animal isn’t vaccinated, the officer will require the owner to surrender the pet to a licensed vet. The quarantine time is up to twelve days for the pet. The vet assesses the animal for any signs of rabies or aggressive behavior patterns.

Expectations for Pet Owners

The pet owner must provide payment for all medical costs for the victim. This may also include lost wages that weren’t collected due to an inability to work during the recovery period. The pet owner must wait for the vet’s assessment to determine if they will regain possession of the dog.

Strict Liability Claims

Strict liability claims are based on any previous attacks. If the dog was reported before for an attack, the pet owner is held at a strict liability. This requires them to pay tort-based payments to the victim in addition to other requirements.

In New York, pet owners are required to mitigate all risks associated with their dogs. These risks equate to the prevention of personal injuries by others who come in contact with the animal. Victims of these dog attacks contact a personal injury lawyer in Oswego by Visit the website today.

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