Intellectual property is important for your business, and a trademark is an effective way to protect your intellectual property rights. However, registering and defending a trademark can be confusing for many business owners. Here are three things you need to know about trademark law.
Your Trademark Must Be Distinctive
The first thing you need to know about trademark law is that your mark must be distinctive. A generic mark like a letter or number in a simple font is not unique enough to qualify for trademark protection. You can determine if your trademark meets this requirment with the help of a trademark lawyer in Jacksonville, FL.
Commercial Usage is Required
Trademark protection also only applies to marks used commercially, such as the logo of a business or a character in an entertainment franchise. You or your business must be actively using the mark in a genuine commercial context to qualify.
Trademark Registration is Not Mandatory
If your trademark is sufficiently distinctive and actively used for commercial purposes, you don’t have to register it to have rights. However, trademark registration comes with many benefits. A trademark lawyer in Jacksonville, FL can explain these benefits and help you decide if registration is right for you.
Do you need a trademark or patent attorney in the Jacksonville area? Wilson Dutra Innovation Law applies its years of knowledge and experience to protect and celebrate your inventions and branding. Learn more at