Just about everyone is to know how much the entire procedure is going to cost in a bankruptcy. That is an obvious question to ask a bankruptcy lawyer in Baltimoe. But, there is more at stake. There may be other questions to consider asking the bankruptcy attorney before taking the dive based solely on the quoted price. The price can always change, and it is very hard to predict.
Working with a bankruptcy attorney that offers a flat fee retainer is a nice strategy, but it may not always provide them great incentive to follow through. Ask some of the below questions to obtain an honest bankruptcy lawyer in Baltimore in an area that can have lasting ramifications.
Where can one find non-bias information?
Discuss the case with a paralegal. A paralegal service is typically a company that has access to legal resources and options. They have a clear knowledge of the different things to expect, but they do not necessarily take legal action. They are almost always connected with various attorneys in the area. They will be a prime source for information.
Individuals considering bankruptcy may also be able to find a breadth of information in community colleges, free or sometimes paid coursework, or library sessions. Some attorneys may also be providing this information in a seminar-type environment entirely for free. The implication is that they receive a few clients through that process, but it is still great place for fresh information.
Should it even be done in the first place?
This is a question so blatantly obvious, that it is shocking that many people do not even ask the bankruptcy attorney. Admittedly, the attorney will offer a naturally biased answer. But, even that can be extremely important because the best attorneys will be transparent in how they answer this question based on all the information provided to them.
The bankruptcy attorneys have their hands on the pulse of bankruptcy in the city. How likely is it? What about a particular client situation makes it unique and different? Any potential client will want that closeness. They want honest answers that are not all about money, but about the likelihood of the bankruptcy.