Many couples who want to end their marriage are finding nontraditional ways to divorce while still maintaining close contact. Some couples file for legal separation or even get divorced but continue living under the same roof. They typically do so for financial reasons; this may be an option for two people who still get along reasonably well but don’t want to be married anymore. Child custody and visitation matters also can affect a divorced couple’s living arrangements. Family Law Lawyers in Temecula can set up more unusual arrangements such as bird’s nest parenting or a divorced couple owning a duplex together and living side by side.
Next-Door Parenting
For divorced couples who can handle living in close proximity and trust each other with financial matters, owning a duplex together can be ideal for a shared custody situation. If a mortgage is involved, they must legally document which person is responsible for which percentage of the payment each month. If owning property together seems inadvisable, they might consider having each of them rent one side of a duplex or buying separate homes located next door or across the street. An organization such as the Law Office of Michelle Penna can set up the legal details and file them with the court. Please click here for information on this particular attorney.
Bird’s Nest Parenting
In most shared custody situations, the child moves between the parents’ homes on a specific schedule. Bird’s nest parenting turns that around and has each parent moving in and out of a shared family home. Each adult has his or her own separate apartment or house in addition to the family home. This doesn’t work for most people, partly because of the expenses involved with maintaining three places of residence instead of two. In addition, eventually one or both of the divorced individuals may begin a serious relationship with someone else, making this arrangement difficult. For those who can manage it, however, the arrangement can provide a more stable lifestyle for the youngsters. Family Law Lawyers in Temecula can legally document the guidelines that the parents develop together and must follow.