The legal process involved with applying for and getting SSI or SSDI can tax the most patient of individuals. You might grow weary of facing months’ worth of court appearances, doctors’ visits and having to file piles of paperwork.
Even more, you may feel frustrated when all of your efforts culminate in a denial of your case. Rather than risk losing out on payments you need because you cannot physically work, you can hire counsel like a Social Security disability attorney in Scottsdale, AZ to handle your case.
Better Outcomes
Judges assigned to such cases may listen better to lawyers than they do to individual petitioners. Lawyers know what kinds of legalese to use in their petitions. They are also more adept at making stronger arguments than people outside of the legal profession.
Your lawyer may launch such a solid case that the judge assigned to it has no choice but to rule in your favor. Your attorney can also answer some or all of the judge’s questions for you so you avoid jeopardizing your case by saying the wrong thing.
Your legal team can also make sure you get paid any back settlement that you are owed. You may get back pay from the date that you first filed your case.
You can find out more about hiring a Social Security disability attorney in Scottsdale, AZ online. To set up a consultation, contact Slepian Ellexson, PLLC. Visit for more information!