Tips to Make the First Meeting with a DUI Driving Law Firm Less Painful

by | Mar 7, 2017 | Lawyers

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Anyone who’s been charged with a DUI knows how important it is to hire a DUI driving law firm to represent them in court. Someone meeting with one for the first time may not know what to expect, though. There are a few tips that can help make the first meeting with the law firm less painful.

Remember that the lawyer has heard it all before

Remember that the lawyer has heard it all before, so there’s no need to be embarrassed when scheduling a meeting. They may have even had clients in worse situations.

Have questions ready to ask

Anyone meeting with a DUI attorney for the first time will probably have a mental set of questions. It’s important for the client to write those questions down so they don’t forget them if they become ruffled or frustrated. Some of the questions that clients should ask include:

* Will the attorney hired be the attorney who handles their case?

* Do they know about field sobriety tests?

* Do they regularly appear at the court the client is going to be tried at?

* What representation is included in their fee?

* What are the most likely outcomes they can expect from their case?

* What is the attorney’s client communication policy?

Be proactive

Anyone who needs to meet with a DUI lawyer shouldn’t waste any time scheduling a meeting. The sooner it is scheduled, the better position the client will be in when it comes to protecting their rights.

The client needs to know what information they need about fees

There are many fees involved when it comes to DUI cases. They include:

* fines and court costs

* fees for alcohol education or treatment programs

* attorneys’ fees

Before the client’s first consultation, it’s important they figure out what they can and cannot do as far as fees are concerned. The attorney may be willing to work out a flexible payment plan if the client can’t pay all at once. Clients will need to be ready to explain their situation in a straightforward manner.

These are just a few of the tips that can help make the first meeting with a DUI driving law firm less painful.

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